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verbs | english grammar | itselfu |
Suppose, you are lying on the bed and missing someone. You might think of doing no physical work but still you must remember that your brain is functioning, hence such a work „miss‟, even if being performed by your brain, is also considered as a verb.
Verbs are used to indicate the actions, processes, conditions, or states of beings of people or things.
Verbs play an integral role to the structure of a sentence. They constitute the root of the predicate, which, along with the subject (the “doer” of the verb’s action), forms a full clause or sentence—we cannot have a sentence without a verb. When we discuss verbs’ role in the predicate, we usually divide them into two fundamental categories: finite and non-finite verbs.
Finite and Non-Finite Verbs
The predicate requires at least one finite verb to be considered complete. A finite verb has a direct relationship to the subject of a sentence or clause, and does not require another verb in the sentence in order to be grammatically correct. For example:
Each of the above is a finite verb, expressing an action that is directly related to the subject of the sentence. Non-finite verbs, on the other hand, do not express that relationship directly.
The only verbs that can be considered finite are those in their base form (the infinitive form without the particle to), their past tense form, or their third person singular form. Verb forms that are never considered finite are gerunds, infinitives, and participles (both past and present). Let’s look at an example containing both a finite and non-finite verb:
• “We are learning about the American Revolution in school.”
This sentence uses the present continuous verb are learning. This functions as a single unit, with learning expressing most of the meaning.
However, learning is a present participle, which is considered a non-finite verb; the finite verb of the sentence is actually just the auxiliary verb are. It is an inflection of the verb be used for a first person plural subject (we).
We can see the difference if we use each verb in isolation with the subject:
We can see that the first verb is finite because it expresses a direct relationship with the subject, and it can go on to form any number of complete sentences. For example:
The second verb, the present participle learning, cannot make such sentences, and so is not finite. The following examples all require a finite verb to be correct:
To learn more about the differences between these two classes of verbs, go to the Itselfu : SSC CGL (Website) Finite and Non-finite Verbs chapter.
Transitive and Intransitive Verbs
Every verb is classed as being either transitive or intransitive. Transitive verbs describe an action that is happening to someone or something. This person or thing is known as the direct object of the verb. For example:
Conversely, intransitive verbs do not have objects—their action is not happening to anyone or anything. For example:
Main Verb and Auxiliary Verb/Helping Verb
A.) Main Verb :- Main verb describes the action of the subject such as to dance, to sing, to think, to read, to write, to see, to move, to miss, to beat etc.
Action doesn‟t only mean the physical work. When you think, your brain works, so „to think‟ is also an action ; hence it is a verb.
B.) Auxiliary Verb/Helping Verb :- Auxiliary or “helping” verbs are verbs that are used to complete the meaning of other primary or “main” verbs in a sentence. In the example we looked at above, are is an auxiliary to the main verb, learning.
The three primary auxiliary verbs—be, have, and do—are used to create different tenses, to form negatives, or to ask questions. For example:
Regular and Irregular Verbs
A.) Regular Verb :- Just as every verb is either transitive or intransitive, each one is considered to be either regular or irregular
Most verbs are regular verbs, which means that “-d” or “-ed” can be added to their base form (the infinitive of the verb without to) to conjugate both the past simple tense and past participle forms. For example:
Base Form :- “I play violin.” “I bake cakes.” “I listen to my teacher.” “I gather firewood.” “I climb trees.”
Past Simple Time :- “I played violin.” “I baked cakes.” “I listened to my teacher.” “I gathered firewood.” “I climbed trees.”
Past Participle :- “I had played violin.” “I had baked cakes.” “I had listened to my teacher.” “I had gathered firewood.” “I had climbed trees.”
B.) Irregular Verb :- Irregular verbs, on the other hand, have past tense and past participle forms that do not (or do not seem to) adhere to a distinct or predictable pattern, and they are usually completely different from one another.
Unfortunately, this means that there is generally no way of determining how to conjugate irregular verbs—we just have to learn each one individually. There are many irregular verbs, but here are a few common ones:
Base Form :- “I see the horizon.” “I grow bigger every day.” “I give to charity.”
Past Simple Time :- “I saw the horizon.” “I grew bigger every day.” “I gave to charity.”
Past Participle :- “I had seen the horizon.” “I had grown bigger every day.” “I had given to charity.”
Uniquely, the verb be is considered highly irregular, having three different present tense forms (is, am, are) and two past tense forms (was, were), in addition to its base form and its past and present participles (been, being).
Verb Forms List (A to Z)
Present (Root) V2
Past V3
Past participle ing-form Gain Gained Gained Gaining Grant Granted Granted Granting Cool Cooled Cooled Cooling Believe Believed Believe Believing Bring Brought Brought Bringing Admire Admired Admired Admiring Fail Failed Failed Failing Break Broke Broken Breaking Act Acted Acted Acting Agree Agreed Agreed Agreeing Amaze Amazed Amazed Amazing Amuse Amused Amused Amusing Appear Appeared Appeared Appearing Arrive Arrived Arrived Arriving Ask Asked Asked Asking Behave Behaved Behaved Behaving Borrow Borrowed Borrowed Borrowing Blame Blamed Blamed Blaming Belong Belonged Belonged Belonging Believe Believed Believed Believing Call Called Called Calling Cool Cooled Cooled Cooling Carry Carried Carried Carrying Cause Caused Caused Causing Clear Cleared Cleared Clearing Climb Climbed Climbed Climbing Enjoy Enjoyed Enjoyed Enjoying Explain Explained Explained Explaining Hunt Hunted Hunted Hunting Ignore Ignored Ignored Ignoring FightImprove FoughtImproved FoughtImproved FightingImproving Impress Impressed Impressed Impressing Invite Invited Invited Inviting Jog Jogged Jogged Jogging Jump Jumped Jumped Jumping Join Joined Joined Joining Knock Knocked Knocked Knocking Last Lasted Lasted Lasting Label Labelled Labelled Labelling Learn Learned Learned Learning Live Lived Lived Living Look Looked Looked Looking Love Loved Loved Loving Mark Marked Marked Marking Match Matched Matched Matching Move Moved Moved Moving Notice Noticed Noticed Noticing GrowNote GrewNoted GrownNoted GrowingNoting Enjoy Enjoyed Enjoyed Enjoying Explain Explained Explained Explaining Open Opened Opened Opening Order Ordered Ordered Ordering Offer Offered Offered Offering DrawProtect DrewProtected DrawnProtected DrawingProtecting Push Pushed Pushed Pushing Prefer Preferred Preferred Preferring Plan Planned Planned planning Play Played Played Playing ThrowProvide ThrewProvided ThrewProvided ThrowingProviding RingRepair RangRepaired RungRepaired RingingRepairing Become Became Become Becoming Flee Fled Fled Fleeing ChooseRepeat ChoseRepeated ChosenRepeated ChoosingRepeating ThinkRest ThoughtRested ThoughtRested ThinkingResting SitShare SatShared SatShared SittingSharing Save Saved Saved Saving Slow Slowed Slowed Slowing Sneeze Sneezed Sneezed Sneezing Solve Solved Solved Solving Start Started Started Starting Stop Stopped Stopped Stopping
Verb Forms List (A to Z)
V1 Present (Root) | V2 Past | V3 Past participle | ing-form |
Gain | Gained | Gained | Gaining |
Grant | Granted | Granted | Granting |
Cool | Cooled | Cooled | Cooling |
Believe | Believed | Believe | Believing |
Bring | Brought | Brought | Bringing |
Admire | Admired | Admired | Admiring |
Fail | Failed | Failed | Failing |
Break | Broke | Broken | Breaking |
Act | Acted | Acted | Acting |
Agree | Agreed | Agreed | Agreeing |
Amaze | Amazed | Amazed | Amazing |
Amuse | Amused | Amused | Amusing |
Appear | Appeared | Appeared | Appearing |
Arrive | Arrived | Arrived | Arriving |
Ask | Asked | Asked | Asking |
Behave | Behaved | Behaved | Behaving |
Borrow | Borrowed | Borrowed | Borrowing |
Blame | Blamed | Blamed | Blaming |
Belong | Belonged | Belonged | Belonging |
Believe | Believed | Believed | Believing |
Call | Called | Called | Calling |
Cool | Cooled | Cooled | Cooling |
Carry | Carried | Carried | Carrying |
Cause | Caused | Caused | Causing |
Clear | Cleared | Cleared | Clearing |
Climb | Climbed | Climbed | Climbing |
Enjoy | Enjoyed | Enjoyed | Enjoying |
Explain | Explained | Explained | Explaining |
Hunt | Hunted | Hunted | Hunting |
Ignore | Ignored | Ignored | Ignoring |
FightImprove | FoughtImproved | FoughtImproved | FightingImproving |
Impress | Impressed | Impressed | Impressing |
Invite | Invited | Invited | Inviting |
Jog | Jogged | Jogged | Jogging |
Jump | Jumped | Jumped | Jumping |
Join | Joined | Joined | Joining |
Knock | Knocked | Knocked | Knocking |
Last | Lasted | Lasted | Lasting |
Label | Labelled | Labelled | Labelling |
Learn | Learned | Learned | Learning |
Live | Lived | Lived | Living |
Look | Looked | Looked | Looking |
Love | Loved | Loved | Loving |
Mark | Marked | Marked | Marking |
Match | Matched | Matched | Matching |
Move | Moved | Moved | Moving |
Notice | Noticed | Noticed | Noticing |
GrowNote | GrewNoted | GrownNoted | GrowingNoting |
Enjoy | Enjoyed | Enjoyed | Enjoying |
Explain | Explained | Explained | Explaining |
Open | Opened | Opened | Opening |
Order | Ordered | Ordered | Ordering |
Offer | Offered | Offered | Offering |
DrawProtect | DrewProtected | DrawnProtected | DrawingProtecting |
Push | Pushed | Pushed | Pushing |
Prefer | Preferred | Preferred | Preferring |
Plan | Planned | Planned | planning |
Play | Played | Played | Playing |
ThrowProvide | ThrewProvided | ThrewProvided | ThrowingProviding |
RingRepair | RangRepaired | RungRepaired | RingingRepairing |
Become | Became | Become | Becoming |
Flee | Fled | Fled | Fleeing |
ChooseRepeat | ChoseRepeated | ChosenRepeated | ChoosingRepeating |
ThinkRest | ThoughtRested | ThoughtRested | ThinkingResting |
SitShare | SatShared | SatShared | SittingSharing |
Save | Saved | Saved | Saving |
Slow | Slowed | Slowed | Slowing |
Sneeze | Sneezed | Sneezed | Sneezing |
Solve | Solved | Solved | Solving |
Start | Started | Started | Starting |
Stop | Stopped | Stopped | Stopping |